Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hey Friends and family. Sorry to spam you all, but this is important.
I'm just a "simple country doctor" not a lawyer or a constitutional scholar, but I have read the constitution. Nothing in there gives the government any authority to regulate the minutia of our lives in the name of "compassion". Individuals are endowed by their creator to be compassionate. Governments, however benign, can never be. They exist to accumulate power by pandering, buying votes or influence with OPM. Say it fast. Opium. Other People's Money.
Here is a link.
Step up and sign your name, as the founders did despite threats to their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor. Sign so large and boldly that the the bureaucrats won't need bifocals to read it. Sign up so many friends and family that they could never come after all of us.

This is a different approach. As you've heard, many States Attorneys General have signed on to sue the feds over limited sections of the bill. Such as the provision to force private citizens to purchase a commercially available product, or be fined or imprisoned. This approach is different. It will challenge the feds interpretation of the commerce clause. Since Roosevelt's New Deal the court has used the commerce clause to regulate increasingly small parts of everyday life. Some, of course are good and proper, like non-discrimination laws. But as you've heard, the Administration and Congress now believes that because "everything is commerce" they have no limitations on their ability to to anything they fancy, regardless of cost, or consequence. They of course, at election time, ask to be judged on their "good intentions", and that the resultant trainwreck is "not our fault" or "the legislation didn't go far enough".
I know some of you think Obamacare is a good thing "because something had to be done". In medicine, our primary rule is "primum non nocere" In any given problem, it may be better to to nothing, than to follow a course of action that will lead to worsening or acceleration of the initial problem. More than enough evidence has been presented that Obanacare will worsen healthcare in this country. But beyond my views as a physician, I am a citizen. I fear for the freedoms that our country has offered in the past, and I fear for our children, and the crushing burden forced on their shoulders.
For an economic analysis, please read the eloquent Rep. Paul Ryan at
Thanks for listening

1 comment:

Marta said...

Explain why you think the Obamacare is a bad thing, no clear on you reason, just out of curiosity.

Grandma & Bacon Bits